
SIX SIGMA management

 What Is  SIX SIGMA MANAGEMENT  : Six sigma is a quality management system. Six sigma is a set of techniques and tools for process and improvement. It is a measure of quality. It is a discipline data driven methodology focused on eliminating defects. The 7 key Six Sig ma principles  are:   Always focus on the customer Understand how work really happens Make your processes flow smoothly Reduce waste and concentrate on value Stop defects through removing variation Get buy-in from the team through collaboration Make your efforts systematic and scientific The Six Sigma Method : Six sigma management method  philosophy focuses on better understanding of customer requirements, improving business systems throughout the organization, and enhancing the organization's financial performance. It is used to improve the organization's products, services and processes across various disciplines, including production, product development, marketing, sales, finance, and ...

FSSAI registration on food business

FSSAI stands for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.   FSSAI lays down science-based standards for articles of food and regulates their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food to 130 crore citizens of the country. Food safety is a serious public health concern in the  most populous countries like India. The challenges of feeding a large, geographically dispersed population, millions of whom are poor and malnourished, are immense. Importance of   FSSAI food safety and quality standards registration   : 1. About 90% of food products sold in the market have a prescribed specification by FSSAI. 2. FSSAI registration for ensuring safety and catering satisfaction to each consumer.  3. FSSAI maintains the food quality levels, and it implements important schemes to eliminate the toxic and hazardous elements present in the food.  4. The packaging of the product speaks volumes about its quality a...

Health & Safety

  Reasons Why Fitness is Important 1.       Good health boosts self-esteem. 2.         Staying fit lowers the chances of depression. 3.       Working out gives good night sleep 4.       Staying fit lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, weight 5.       Staying fit improves physical appearance         Health & Fitness helps you to gain :        Health and safety is important in every aspect of our life .  ISO 45001 Health & Safety Training   for Standardization’s standard for occupational health and safety.  This course is developed for useful entry level or ongoing career development. We are living in a selfie-obsessed world where everyone wants to be in the front row, whether it’s being educated, staying fit, or any other thing from life. people are more caring about their  Healt...


Food safety, nutrition and food security are inextricably linked. Unsafe food creates a vicious cycle of disease and malnutrition, particularly affecting infants, young children, elderly and the sick. Foodborne diseases impede socioeconomic development by straining health care systems, and harming national economies, tourism and trade. To prevent food diseases   FSSAI brings an easy solution of Training & Certification through its new initiative, that is FOSTAC under  ISO 22000 FOOD QUALITY STANDARD .    FSSAI guides every food business operator to have at least one trained and certified person in their business premises to ensure food safety. VQMS TRAINING OVER FOOD SAFETY  Is given to understand that all staff who handle or serve food must be food safety.  By getting a  ISO 22000 FOOD QUALITY TRAINING  you will be expert in : 1.Risk management Avoid the disaster of food poisoning and keep everyone safe. 2.Holds your reputation In ...

Small scale business

IS0 9001  gives training to running businesses or planning to start up a small business by giving  a head   into the world and given a glimpse into what they can be. Giving tips into what can be and how to go along with doing it, owners are able to maximize their profits, satisfy their customers and please their employees. Technology gives the ability to connect with their customers via e-mail, through blogs, social networks and forums to to the small business owner or to thw parties who are going to start up a small business. Technology can help small business owner with limited capital in smarter, more effective and easy ways . In some cases using technology in smart ways provides more profitability, efficiency and flexibility, making it a natural progression of the society and have in place in you’re the business world. but every business persons do not know how to use the technology in small businesses. To fulfill their actual needs and giving them a proper tr...